Course curriculum
Here is How To Get The MOST Out of Aveyah's Living Library of Resources 💖
Igniting Polarity Within To Spark Passion, Desire, Fire and Creativity 🔥
Healing The Wounded Feminine: When pleasing, loving, supporting & giving are causing pain/coming from the wounded heart ❤️🩹
How To Stop Obsessing Over Finding "The One" 💖
Releasing The Charge/Hold That Our Emotions/Pain Have on Us 💛 Transmission + Guided meditation to let go & let love in
The Whoa State: A powerful practice that allows for deeper connection to self
Mirror Play: A powerful practice that invites you into deeper intimacy with your heart and soul
Live Transmission with Aveyah & Daniela Gil: Divine union + Love vs attachment + The power of allowance + Releasing expectations + Boundaries + Giving our power away and how to reclaim it
Live Transmission with Aveyah & Daniela Gil: The power of full expression + Authenticity + Vulnerability as a foundation + Dissolving externalization + Projections and stories + The abandonment wound + Radical responsibility + The blame trap
Seeing Through The Lens of Love - Our perception of how and what things are has the ability to shift our internal experience and how we view our reality
Aveyah & David Lion share their personal story as well as engage in some powerful and transformational Q&A with the audience!
Bringing Magic Into Your Relationships: Livestream With Aveyah and David Lion
How To Feel Free & Alive in Relationships: Livestream With Aveyah & David Lion
Rising In Love: Livestream with Special Guests Shekinah & Sananda
Abundance Activation With Aveyah and Special Guest Daniela Gil: Abundance as a state of being + Manifesting your dreams into reality + Co-creating with the Divine 🦋
Aveyah Speaks On Following Her Heart: The Journey From Teacher To Singer 🎶 On The Spiritual Warrior Podcast
Livestream With Aveyah, David Lion & Daniela Gil: What love looks like + Deepening our connection to Love & who we are + Bringing magic into your life through joyful appreciation + The cost of self sacrifice + Devotion to our highest excitement + More!
Day 1: Attuning to Delight & Amazement + Special Guest Transmission by Tara Tigress
Day 1: Amplifying Your Field of Abundance Audio Meditation
Day 2: Being in Union With All of Who You Are + Special Guest Transmission by Chelsey Jo Huntsman & Oren Harris
Day 3: Feeling is Your Superpower + Special Guest Transmission by Nina Camille
Day 4 : (Part 1) Liberating More of Your Self-Expression
Day 4 : (Part 2) Special Guest Transmission by Zahara Zimring
Day 5: Let Go & Let Love + Special Guest Transmission by David Lion
Day 6: Dropping Into Pure Presence + Special Guest Transmission by Hannah Marie The Muse & Ashley Alchemist
Day 7: Radiance & Magnetism is Your Natural State of Being + Special Guest Transmission by Daniela Gil
Week 1: Our relationship with self/Source as the foundation + Seeing beyond our stories + Letting go of shame/guilt + Compassion and boundaries + Full expression + Listening from the heart
Week 2: Taking Radical responsibility + Letting go of attachment + Discerning when we may be keeping love away + Dissolving power plays and protection mechanisms + Ending karmic cycles and patterns + Navigating relationship transitions and break
Week 3: What Divine Union requires + Navigating conflict within yourself and with another + Letting go of control + Growing in love + Accessing higher states of being and relating + Calling in your divine partner + Living with a liberated heart
Liberated Love Discovery Book 📓
Amplifying Your Field of Abundance Meditation 💫
Liberated Love PDF Discovery Book 📓

About this course
- $111.00
- 35 lessons
- 33 hours of video content